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Vendor Information


Thanks so much for your interest in displaying your herbal products & other hand crafted items at the Women’s Herbal Conference. Though emphasis at the Conference is primarily educational, the Emporium adds a wonderful dimension to the gathering and provides participants with an excellent opportunity to obtain high quality herbal products/handcrafted items as well as the wonderful opportunity for you to display your wares.  It’s always a favorite space at the conference, as women seem to have a natural knack for shopping!

The following information should answer all of your questions about vendor space.  If you have further questions, contact Katie Pickens at (802) 888-3736 or

The Emporium will be set up in the large gym at Camp Wicosuta. Though we miss the large festive tent at Sargent Camp, we don’t need to worry about rain and dampness! Our new Emporium has lights as well, which are another welcome addition. 

Each Vendor Space is a table approximately 4 feet wide by 8 feet long w/1-2 chair(s) provided. If you plan to bring your own display pieces, mention this in the VENDOR APPLICATION FORM (download now) and be prepared to be charged a pro-rated fee for expansion of space beyond 4 feet wide by 8 feet long in the Emporium.     

You may wish to bring flowers, brightly colored fabric, pictures, baskets, and other items to decorate your booth area. The Gym is just that, a gym.  Though large and dry, it will need some colorful fabric and lots of beautiful items to give it a festive air filled with earthly treasures.

You might wish to bring extension cords and extra lighting if you wish to provide more lighting at your booth. Also, it can get hot in the gym. While we have a few large fans, we encourage you to bring a small table fan  (and extension cord) for better air flow.

Cost of each vendor table space is $125. This must be paid in full with your registration to hold your space in the Emporium. Vendor space is limited so register early to ensure you get a space. You must be a registered participant in order to vend at the WHC.

½ Vendor space is $65. You are welcome to share a table space although we request that just one person take responsibility for registering, paying for the table, and serving as our contact person.  We will need to know the names of both people sharing the booth, the name of the company, if any, and the items you plan to sell.  Please send this information on the Vendor Application sheet send with your registration form.

There are a limited number of outdoor spaces available at $125 per 10 x 10 tent space. You must provide your own 10 x 10 tent, table and chairs. Inquire if interested.

Because there is limited space, vendor space is available only to registered participants and primarily for handcrafted items, fabric/clothes, herbs & herbal related products, and booksYou must send in your registration for the Conference when signing up for a vendor space.  If your registration has not been received, your vendor deposit will be returned to you.

Set up for the Emporium is on Friday morning between 8 a.m. – 12 noon. Tables will be pre-assigned so look for your name on a table. Please do not for any reason re-arrange or switch the tables without first checking with one of our staff people. Andrea Reisen and Katie Pickens over see the Emporium (Katie is often found at registration and Andrea is usually in or near the Emporium during set up). 

There is a 15-minute parking limit by the Emporium. Drive up, unload, and then park in a permanent parking space. Please honor this so that everyone has the chance to unload the items for their booths. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 

You will be completely responsible for the setup and cleanup of your vendor area, including any boxes and packaging you brought, and will be fully responsible for the vendor space during the symposium. Please do not leave boxes, flyers, etc. that others would have to clean up after you. Recycling will be set up to aide you in your clean up process.

People are generally honest at these events, but occasionally there have been reports of missing items. To avoid this, you may wish to cover your products with a large cloth when you are not attending your vendor table and never leave money unattended at your booth.  Please note: The Women’s Herbal Conference does not assume any responsibility for lost or stolen items. So take precautions if this is of concern to you.   I always bring a large colorful cloth to cover my products when I’m not at the table. Others use the ‘honor system’ and just set up a jar, but this seems risky to me.


~ Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions  
that haven’t been answered ~

Katie Pickens at  802.888.3736;

Send your Vendor Application and Fee to:
Katie Pickens
WHC/Booth Registration, 2984 Elmore Pond Rd,
Wolcott, VT 05680; 802.888.3736