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After what seems like waiting forever for August to get here, you’ll arrive at lovely Camp Wicosuta. We’re especially proud that this all girls’ camp was founded 90+ years ago by a woman who wanted to encourage leadership, competency and outdoor skills in young women. It’s a beautiful camp with lake frontage on one of the cleanest deep water lakes in New Hampshire; we can swim, kayak and canoe when we’re not busy with all of the other activities going on! Camp Wicosuta has a special feeling of playfulness that we suspect comes from the thousands of girls who have come to camp each summer over the past 90 years. It is surrounded by three mountains known by indigenous people of the area as the ‘Three Sisters’ (especially auspicious as the WHC logo is of the ‘three sisters’ representing maiden, mother, and crone).

You’ll arrive either Thursday evening or Friday morning, and follow the signs to park your car in the parking area across the street from the Camp. There are shuttles to bring you and your luggage up to a drop-off point just across a small stream from the Dining Hall where registration happens. Please check-in to receive your name tag and bunkhouse assignment if you are staying in indoor lodging or to find out where you can set up your tent.

There’s generally a lot of happy chaos as women are dropping off their luggage and camping gear, registering, and finding their ‘space’ for the weekend. It’s usually a happy commotion, lots of greeting, hugging, helping one another out. If you’re new, a first timer, just let us know when you’re registering and we’ll give you a big hug and point you in the right direction to the Dining Hall where registration happens. And don’t be afraid to ask us questions ~ we’re delighted you’ve come and we want to help make this a welcoming experience for you!

This year for the first year ever we are able to have early check-in on Thursday evening from 4pm to 6pm for those who have long drives and/or for those who wish to attend the pre-conference activities on Friday morning. Everyone kept telling us for years we needed to make the conference longer, so we have. There are three excellent intensives being offered Friday morning (you have to register in advance for these) as well as several free events, which you don’t need to pre-register for. Just show up (though be sure you’ve pre-registered if arriving on Thursday evening!)

At 1 pm on Friday we hold our Opening Circle Ceremony, which sets the intention for the weekend with song, prayer, introductions and a few announcements. And then the classes begin! You have at least 10 to 12 workshops at every session to choose among. Most likely, the hardest decision you’ll make all weekend is which classes to attend. And if you’d rather sit out a class or two, or all of the class sessions for that matter, and just enjoy the beauty of the lake or the woodlands, or spend some quite time by yourself, or catching up with friends, you can do all that and more. It’s your weekend to honor and celebrate self.

Together we honor community and women spirit to empower ourselves to make the changes that we wish to see on the earth right now, and to create a healthier friendlier home for all living beings. How does one become ‘empowered’? How do we step into our place of power? Just by being present and saying yes to ourselves, and being surrounded by so many other women who are also saying Yes! Sometimes it’s by dancing late into the night around the ‘Wild Woman’s Fire Circle’ or drumming late into a star filled night. Or sitting in the beauty of the Red Tent, a sacred space held throughout the weekend for all women. Or participating in one of the Purification lodges. Often what we hear and learn in the classes touches our hearts and we are inspired and empowered by the teachings. Sometimes it’s in the evening circles where we all come together and listen to story, dance, sing and drum together. And sometimes it’s in the empowering ceremonies that are held through the weekend. Sometimes, just by sitting quietly in the grassy meadow with the stars overhead brings us the greatest realization of the weekend. But almost always, we each go home with a little more of ourselves…a little more intact, strong, happy, filled up, and nourished.

Come with an open heart, the special gift of who you are, and your plant wise spirit ~ we’ll have a joyous time together honoring woman spirit, the wisdom of our ancestors & the healing power of plants.

“Walking. I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me.
Be still they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.
~ Linda Hogan (Native American Poet)



Once you have registered, you will be sent an email with important information. Be sure to read the Participant Information letter with all the details about what to bring. It contains information about camping, indoor lodging, the meal package, intensives, etc. It also contains directions to Camp Wicosuta. Please note: GPS aren’t always reliable in the area, so be sure to follow your directions closely.

If arriving for Early Check in on Thursday, registration is only open from 4pm-6pm. Please do not arrive earlier than 4 pm. If arriving after 6 pm we won’t be able to check you in, and you’ll need to stay in the campground down the road from Camp Wicosuta.

Meals are not provided on Thursday evening, so be sure to eat before arriving. The small town of Bethel, NH is located a few miles from the camp and has several restaurants. There will be a few food vendors set up to serve food for Friday breakfast and lunch. The meal package, for those who have purchased it, starts with Friday dinner and concludes with Sunday lunch.

Most of your questions will be answered by reading the Participant Information letter that we send to women once they’ve registered. But if there’s a question we have not answered, don’t hesitate to contact us at; 802-479-9825.


All women! Regardless of age, size, color, sexual preference or religious affiliation you are welcome to join us. We ask that you come with an open heart, willing to be respectful of our great diversity as women. Like flowers in a colorful bouquet, we represent the many blossoms in a garden, each beautiful and unique in our own way.

We attempt to honor all religions and respect one’s freedom to worship, as you will. However, there is a particular emphasis on the Goddess and the Earth or Gaia as a living being during the Women’s Herbal Conference. There are earth ceremonies and ‘Goddess songs’ sung. Please know that we feel there are many paths to ‘Great Spirit’ and many names He/She goes by.

If you have any questions about whether you would enjoy and feel comfortable at the WHC, our caring and supportive staff is happy to speak with you.


We respect all people equally and many of us have beloved men in our lives, however, there is a special energy that happens at an all women’s gathering just like there is at an all men’s gathering. In traditional cultures men and women held counsel separately. At the Women’s Herbal Conference we come together to bond as women, to deal with women issues, to share as women and knit our communities together, so we can go home nourished, restored, and ready to carry our lights out into the world again as strong empowered and powerful women. As women, we are holding counsel together, carrying the teachings of our ancestors forward and learning from the voices of the new generations…

Men, other than a few of the Camp Wicosuta staff, are not invited to attend the conference and will not be allowed on the grounds during the WHC. There are, however, men on the Camp Wicosuta Staff who cook, wash dishes, are lifeguards, and take care of some of the logistical camp details. Please note: if you are a women who for whatever reasons aren’t comfortable around men, then this probably isn’t the best conference for you.

“In the midst of the madness of our world, hearts are people are blossoming,
and the golden soul of humanity is rising up. Never doubt it for an instant. Seek it out and nurture it.”
~ Rivera Sun